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It’s been a long time since I’ve shared any personal stuff with my readers, so I feel it’s time to change that. I’m a pretty reserved guy and keep to myself so sharing can be difficult for me, but here goes nothing!

I struggled to find a full-time job after I graduated college with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. Luckily, I found a career path in real estate. I got my Texas Professional Real Estate Inspector license and I’ve been working with a local business owner in the Central Texas area for a few months now. It’s been a really challenging and rewarding experience, and I love being a part of people’s home buying experience!

My goals this year are to work towards a better financial situation and move, as well as save more money for my future and various planned endeavors. Starting a business won’t be cheap!

I also want to travel more. I love camping and backpacking but I’ve unfortunately been unable to travel much this past year. I plan to change that, and I’ll be scheduling a few camping trips, as well as planning a larger trip to Europe in the near future.

My third book, “The Shadow of War” releases this Spring. It’s been a long and harrowing ride, but I’m happy to say that it’s finished. Finishing “The Atonement Trilogy” has been bittersweet as it’s been such a big part of my life for so many years, but I can’t wait to get started on my next project!

I will continue to regularly post new content for my blog. I have a lot of author interviews coming up that I think you guys will love. I always enjoy meeting new authors and picking their brains with sharp objects… I mean, uh… I’ll go sit in the corner now.

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