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Reading Group Topics

I have received a lot of excited suggestions from my awesome readers to come up with topics for reading groups. I thought this was a great idea! A lot of readers (myself included) like to delve as deep as they can into the worlds authors create. What better way to do this than by thinking critically on the actions and behaviors of the characters we love? Well, not everyone loves this kind of thing, but I'm a nerd, let's be honest.

Anyways, here's a few questions for "The Spirit of Revenge" and "A New Reign". I hope you enjoy, and I'd love to hear how y'all answer these questions! Also, you might not want to read these questions until you've finished the corresponding book as they contain minor spoilers. Enjoy!

"The Spirit of Revenge"

I. What kind of impact could centuries of war have on a peoples' culture, religion, and willpower?​

2. Are the Warriors products of this warring culture?

3. Why did Cain fight at Andaurel? Should he have followed his orders or should he have helped Eileen to the sanctity of Dun Ara?

4. Why might Abaddon want Cain and his family dead?

5. Why would Adriel choose to stay with the Warriors?


6. Why might Joshua not trust Adriel?

7. What does the Morgaul forest represent?

8. Why do the Warriors not regret killing fellow humans (the Iscara)?

9. Why would Malecai give Ceerocai to Cain?

10. What is the beast of Abaddon and what might it represent?


11. Was the siege of Morven Abaddon's gamble or does he have a final plan?

12. What should the Alliance's next move be?

13. What should be done with Ceerocai?

14. Revenge and anger are keys to Cain's journey. How do they help him cope with his pain? How are they used for bad in our everyday lives? Can anger be used for good?

"A New Reign"

1. The book opens with the aftermath of the Battle of Morven. How does this set the tone for the rest of the story? How does Adriel's attitude at the funeral pyre strengthen this?

2. In chapter two, Abaddon apparently knew of Iscarius' insurrection when he says, "I knew this day would come. I have prepared to meet my fate." If he knew of an impending threat on his life beforehand, why did he not stop it?

3. Why does Joshua find peace only in death? Can a soldier consumed by war ever find peace in life?

4. In chapter seven, Cain and Adriel argue whether or not there is such a thing as fate. Does fate exist? How has 'fate' played a role or not played a role in the Warriors' journey thus far?

5. The Warriors have come across several statues exalting the Forgotten. In chapter nine, the Warriors see a statue carved out of the side of a mountain. What could these statues represent?

6. Why does Cain rescue Adriel from Alkanost? Would he have done the same for any of the other Warriors?

7. How does Adriel's kidnapping change her? Does this make her weaker or stronger? How does the kidnapping affect her friendship with Cain?

8. King Branim handed over his country for a bag of precious metal. Was this simple greed or something more? Is everyone succeptible to treachery and greed?

9. Why does Aren refuse the Carvalas even though it might help him live?

10. Why does Cain surrender to Ada at Ekran, knowing he will die?

11. When all seems lost, flames engulf Ekran and the Aceden army. What is this and what might it represent?

12. Why might Cain have recurring dreams about Eileen and what could they mean?

13. Applying Shakespeare's quote "there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" to a New Reign, is Iscarius genuinely bad, or are his actions the result of good intentions? Are any of the characters innately good or evil? Is anyone wholeheartedly one or the other or do we all stand on the gray line between?

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