"The Shadow of War" Release
Well, today's the big day, the release of the third book in "The Atonement Trilogy", The Shadow of War! Amazon Link It's been a long road...
1 Day to Go!
Tomorrow is the big day, the release of my third book, "The Shadow of War"! So happy to have finished this beast of a novel and to share...
2 Days to Go!
2 days to go until the release of my third book, "The Shadow of War"! So happy to have finished this beast of a novel and to share it...
3 Days to Go!
3 days to go until the release of my third book, "The Shadow of War"! So happy to have finished this beast of a novel and to share it...
4 Days to Go!
4 days to go until the release of my third book, "The Shadow of War"! So happy to have finished this beast of a novel and to share it...
"The Shadow of War" Cover
After years of working on "The Atonement Trilogy" and more than a little blood, sweat, and tears, I'm stoked to finally release the brand...
"The Spirit of Revenge" Cover
Hey everyone! Check out the new cover for "The Spirit of Revenge" book one of The Atonement Trilogy. I'm super happy with it and I hope...
The Atonement Trilogy Updates
Hey, guys! A lot’s been going on lately so I wanted to take a breath and give you some updates. As some of you might know, I finished the...
The End of the Road
Well, not quite... But I can happily announce that my third book, The Shadow of War, is finally finished! *Cue confetti and balloons*...